We laughed, had discussions about special brews (and not the coffee flavored kind), and ate entirely too many chocolate covered coffee beans. (Notice that I am the only one still wearing my coat. I wore it the entire time. It was so cold. I put on cute clothes for the occasion and then didn't even get to show them off. Trust me. I was looking good! Of course that could be the caffeine talking...I am wired!)
Can anyone spell COW? Sara enjoyed the last of the chocolate fondue with a spoon. She saw me pull out my camera as she was getting ready to scrape the bowl and knew that the picture would end up on the blog. I hate to disappoint!
Not wanting to be outdone by Sara...Liz ordered a plate of chocolate spoons and chocolate covered coffee beans. Forget scraping the bottom of the fondue bowl with a metal spoon...just give me a chocolate spoon and skip a step!
My yummy caramel cappuccino. With a chocolate spoon of course!
Tiffany...the birthday girl...and Abby.
um, i think ALL spoons should be chocolate. all of them.
Hey - I can't sleep either. Either too many choc-covered coffee beans or cappuccino or chocolate or adrenaline. So, I'm up looking at your blog guessing you already blogged this event. I was right! Thanks for not disappointing. I wonder what time I'll get to sleep tonight!
We only discovered Coffee World towards the end of our trip. Too bad, since we spend about a million dollars at Starbucks by that time. LOL
Chocolate spoons, dangerous!
Great pictures!
Chocolate spoons and coffee...wish I could have been there.
wishful - i agree! we had a discussion about what eating cereal with a chocolate spoon would be like if we decided to take one home to use for breakfast the next morning. i think it could work.
lisa - i went to bed at 1:30. still awake, but knowing i would regret it in the morning!
cathy - you gotta love coffee world. they have this huge chocolate fountain that you can order fondue from. it is served with fresh fruit. yummy!
witty - i'm thinking a whole set of cutlery made out of chocolate would be a great gift. dangerous for sure!
gina - we would have scooted over to make room for you! it was fun!
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