
Sunday, February 24, 2008

My blog

I feel the need to write a post to clear some things up. I have had several people tell me lately that they worry that I am spending too much time blogging or too much time on my computer. While I have been home quite a bit due to sickness and snow I am not avoiding people or activities so that I can stay home and blog. And while blogging is a fun, therapeutic thing for me it does not take me long to write something. This post has taken all of 3 minutes so far. If something is on my mind I write about it. I don't usually sit around and stare at the computer wondering what to write. I admit that I have done that, but most of the time the words just come. When I lived in America I scrapbooked. I sat for hours cropping pictures and taping them in my books. I thought about the pictures and events and journaled in the books to describe what was going on in the pictures. I didn't work on them everyday, but I spent considerable amounts of time working on them for sure. I also kept a journal of sorts. It had my thoughts about life, what I was reading, things I loved, song quotes, and all kinds of other things to document my days. Now I blog. I don't scrapbook at all. I don't journal most of the time. I blog. This blog started out as a way to let people in the states know what was going on with us. It has morphed into my scrapbook and journal all in one. And the amount of time I spend here is well worth what I get out of it. The fact that everyone else can read it just means that I am connecting with people. I showed my scrapbooks to friends. I even let some friends read my journal at times. I shared my thoughts on books I was reading with my book club friends. The fact that I share all of that online is not strange to me. It doesn't feel weird to me at all. If I don't like what someone says in a comment I can delete it. Most of the time I won't. I figure everyone has an opinion so they can share it here if they want. If your comments are questionable I might delete them. I don't want to offend anyone. And yes, I pretty much write a post everyday. Sometimes there are pictures. Sometimes there are just words. In the blog world I've come to realize that there are quite a few people who write a post everyday. Most of the time they are wanna be writers...or they are writers...and they write on blogs to hone their craft. I love writing, and I've been told that I do a decent job of it. Please don't rob me of something that I enjoy by telling me to stop. I can't stop. I am not spending all my time thinking about my blog or deciding what to write about. This post has taken me 21 minutes to write. I don't think that is too long.


fringes said...

Blogging is a perfectly acceptable pasttime, one that requires neither defense nor apology.

You seem to have many off-line friends, some of whom may not understand the allure of an online journal. All the scary stories of people becoming obsessed with their online lives or falling prey to an Internet criminal may give your friends slightly understandable pause, but once you explain the concept of blogging and how much you like it, you should not have to defend yourself further.

You're going a great job with your blog. I love the pictures and I got hooked on it through your tales of Turkish life. Try not to be discouraged.

HeyJoe said...

I think that people who do not blog sometimes have difficulty understanding why we do it. Some view it as spending too much time and energy with people that are "not real," aka cyber friends.

In the end, we do it for ourselves. And if that sounds selfish, so be it. We all should be allowed a little selfishness now and then.

So yea, don't delete this. :)

Neil said...

I agree with heyjoe. Those who don't do it, don't understand. I DO spend too much time blogging. But I figure it is more creative than watching TV, so I limit my TV. But there is a danger of letting online life take over, and it is something to watch for, so I'm sure your friends are only trying to be helpful.

Gina said...

I spend too much time READING other people's blogs that it doesn't leave me much time to update my own!! I'm like Neil in that I don't watch T.V. much anymore since I've learned how to 'blog'.

Anonymous said...

Don't get me started! I would say the people telling you this could be spending too much time worrying about what you are doing! Why are they so vested? Why are their lives so empty and void? Much like you, it takes but a few minutes of my time to write a blog, it took me all of 5 minutes to read yours. I like you am not neglecting anyone in the process, but taking care of myself in a good way. I am one of those wanna-be-writers trying to hone my skill, and am not going to apologize for spending some time on myself. Don't you either!

Natalie said...

fringes - thanks for the encouragement. i hadn't thought about the whole idea of them worrying about online predators or my cyberlife. i can understand their worry since many of them...even other blog writers...can't imagine meeting people that way. i am thankful for the cyberworld because i am getting to know people who are nothing like me from all over the place. and i would have to say that the majority of the blog writers i've "met" just let it all hang out...no trying to make themselves into something they're not. that is my favorite part...people being vulnerable and allowing others in on the process of living life. amazing.

heyjoe - most of my friends who blog do it to let others see pictures of their family or to let people know what is going on with them. my blog has some of that, but because i put other things on there as well i think i make some people uncomfortable. and maybe that is selfish, but it's my blog and they don't have to read it if they are uncomfortable with it.

did i give you a complex because i deleted your comment? you're good. no worries!

neil - i have said that exact thing to people. i don't watch tv. i know many people who sit down in front of the tv at night to unwind. i blog or read blogs for the same reason. i rarely watch tv because i would rather be online. and i know my friends care, i just don't want them to worry! believe me...they could tell if i was falling apart!

gina - i know. there are so many good blogs i like to read that i have to limit myself. and it helps that we are hours ahead of america. i can get up in the morning and check to see if anyone updated anything, but then because most of america should be in bed i can walk away from my computer and do other things. at night i will check again. works well for me!

witty - no worries. most of those who are concerned are really close to me. they know i have been at home quite a bit lately and worry that it is taking something out of me. the weather is supposed to be nice this week so i am going to get out in it. i will still blog, but it will help those who are concerned to know that i left my house! they think i am turning into a hermit! and most of them don't get why i love to blog. they just don't get it.

Amy said...

Girl Please! If you stopped blogging my life would be so boring. I love popping on the computer and seeing what your latest story is! Today I am laughing because I havent been on over the weekend and ... well, I'm not sure what you deleted from heyjoe but it's funny that he is ending all his replies with "don't delete this".

Jeff and Erin said...

I started my blog when I was living in Turkey and one of my favorite things about it is going back and reading what life was like then - because different seasons are SO different. As a 'journaler' as well, I think that blogging has the same theraputic effect and when you are far from home makes you feel connected in a way that 'news' or e-mail just doesn't! I love your stories and pictures - keep em' coming!

Natalie said...

amy - or should i say scmom...i just realized that i usually put your name instead of your blogger name. do you care? i'm glad i add some excitement to your life. i love blogging so the fact that you love reading...well it works out well for me! heyjoe made a remark about my "bongos" which was funny, but i didn't want to anyone to be offended so i thought i should delete it. i think i gave him a complex!

erinleigh - i will keep them coming. it is what i do. or one of the things i do. i honestly feel as though i have to write and this seems to be a great place to do it.

Shallowdeep said...

I can understand your friends being concerned, but if you're still getting out and doing things, then they should have no worries.

It's great that you have this outlet. I only wish I was as consistent updating my blog.

Amy said...

Hey Nat. No, I'm not trying to hide behind my blog name. I guess I should have used my real name but actually, there was another blog that I posted to on occasion that i did prefer anonymity. Long story...

Natalie said...

Nikki - that's just it. i haven't gotten out much lately because of having sick kids or being sick myself...and it's been snowy and well below freezing quite a bit as well. i hate being cold. i am getting out and doing things when i can and am not purposely being a hermit! the weather this week is much warmer, and i am glad!

scmom - i figured i would just use your blogger name...not that it matters, but if everyone else is reading my comments back it will make more sense. anonymous posts...hmmmm...intriguing.

Heather said...

ah, yes. I've actually been semi-judged for this myself and my response was quite like the one you wrote here.

It takes me at most, 30 minutes to write a post. It's my journal. AND, it's a writing exercise. I make myself write and capture a moment in time, even if I don't feel like it. I push myself to grow as a writer and the fact that people respond to it continues to give me the confidence to chase my dream of actually making a living doing it.

Everyone has a hobby. Mine, yours, and MANY other people's, happens to be blogging.

i've found that some folks who aren't as savvy on the internet, do not understand it. but if they care about you, they'll respect your desire to do it, even if they can't fully relate to it.

Natalie said...

wishful - thanks. it's funny...this is one of my hobbies and i love it. i don't have a huge desire to be a writer, but i love to write. and if anyone likes it and reads it...well great! you are a great writer, and i'm sure you will get there one day!