
Friday, March 21, 2008

The Pazar

I have posted about the pazar before here and here, but I couldn't resist mentioning it again when I found these pictures. I didn't take these pictures...thanks to Kara and whoever else for letting me have them!

The pazar is an open air market. There are many different kinds of pazars in Turkey. Most of the time when the word pazar is mentioned people are referring to the fruit and vegetable pazar. They have them in many different places around town, and the fruits and veggies are the freshest around.

Murat, why is that girl taking our picture? Hasn't she ever seen melons and broccoli before?

My peppers and eggplant make the best stir fry.

Hey, Mustafa, look casual and confident. We know we have the best watermelons this side of the Tigris.

Bananas or pears...anyone...anyone?

Let me just weigh your eggplant for you, and you can be on your way.

Your bags look heavy. I'll be happy to carry them for you.


Mike S said...

Another thing I truly miss about being outside the US. The closest here seems to be flea markets and the farm markets in summer. (July 4th)

Natalie said...

mike - the pazar is a great place to see. you do have to watch your step though because sometimes the ground is littered with fallen fruit!

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! I recognized these right away!!! I miss Turkey and your family. Thanks for sharing your blog with me.

Natalie said...

kara - glad to see you around these parts! you took some great pictures...for sure!