Ok...so I confessed to not wearing good walking shoes while I was on my trip to Istanbul. While in the Hagia Sophia Brian took this picture of me next to a big basin. More on the big basin later. The reason I am showing this picture is so that you can see my shoes.
Here they are...
And again. And the reason I chose to wear these shoes was because I didn't really want to stand out or look like a tourist. I knew that my tennis shoes or hiking boots would give me away for sure.
And the fact that I was wearing a backpack, a camera case, and another bag didn't give me away at all. Not at all.
Your purse alone looks like it weighs 15 lbs....I get tired just carrying mine on my shoulder for over 15 minutes! I do hope your back is doing better though.
gina - yeah...i had a bottle of water stuffed in my purse along with all the other things i just have to have with me at all times. you never know when you might need deoderant, baby powder, lotion, tylenol, a hairbrush, tissues, baby wipes, and of course my ipod. i'm sure there was more in there as well. i am a prepared tourist!
could you look any less thrilled to be having your picture taken?
Btw: Word verification code: PUZNIS
hee hee
heyjoe - i tried to take a picture of brian next to the big basin, but he wanted to take my picture since i always hog the camera. and my feet were already killing me from all the walking the day before. you are the second person to notice my less than thrilled look. word notification...you are a funny guy!
This has nothing to do with the shoes or the fountain. It's the blog. I just had the thought: Brady Bunch! Between the blond kids (in squares) and the "calendar" (with people in squares and the "March" and "9" looking up, it just says, "Here's the story..."
ms. morton - well...this is our story so i guess that fits!
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