Today at the store I discovered this new soda. It's purple and pretty so I immediately thought it was grape soda. Yum! I love grape soda!
Upon closer inspection, I see that it's called Cilgin. That means crazy in Turkish. It wasn't grape flavored either. It says Orman Meyveleri...Fruits of the Forest. Hm...I'm not quite sure what I think of that. I have a great idea! I'll buy one and let my kids taste it first. Let's see what they think!
Will taking a drink of Crazy!
This doesn't look promising. His's not bad, but I wouldn't want to drink very much of it. Ok...moving right along...
Anna Grace looks quite happy to drink a cup of Crazy. She kinda looks like she already drank a cup of Crazy. Here we go...
Oh...that is too bubbly. NO...I don't like it.
And now for Jacob. He'll eat anything. Really, he will! Once we were at this place that served beef tongue and Jacob totally knew what it was and ate it anyway.
Yum! I'm going for a second taste! Good stuff!
I also came across this decadent can of fruit juice at the store. The flavor...coconut, hazelnut, chocolate flavored orange-apple juice. Now, I had no desire to try this. None at all. But I did think it would be fun to throw in today's food review. So let's see what the kids think of this.
Anna Grace bravely went first. Before she could even take a drink she said, "This stinks!" Yes, but how does it taste?
Oh, that is the grossest thing I have ever tasted! Ugh!
And Will's reaction...
and then he did this...
and this...
and finally this. I'm thinking he doesn't care for it much. He couldn't even speak, but the sounds emitting from his lips reminded me of some an animal would make in its death throes.
Finally, Jacob tried it. He was quite hesitant after watching Will collapse on the floor and die. I was able to convince him that it didn't kill Anna Grace so he had a 50/50 chance of survival. Just take one little sip....please!
So...what do you think?
Yeah...I'm not even swallowing it. I will spew it forth from my mouth. Send the foul liquid back whence it came. Um...ok Jacob. No need to be dramatic. See...I told you it wouldn't kill you!
Then, because they were such great sports I pulled out this!
Chocolate Carnival ice cream
Will came back to life quite quickly when the words Chocolate Carnival Ice Cream were uttered. I think he was faking it. Jacob took his bowl of ice cream and ran. I think he was worried I might have something else for them to try later.
Note: Anna Grace did point out that every time we do a taste test Erica seems to vanish. Yeah...she was at a friend's house. She got lucky. This time!
oh I miss those crazy things you can buy in Turkey!
How fun and funny! Love the pictures.
You know, we have some pretty weird juice combos over here..but NOTHING like that Cappy juice! I pretty much stay away from anything that adds chocolate to fruit in a drink....and prunes.
This makes me miss Steve, Don't Eat It! over at The Sneeze. You might enjoy flipping through those archives for plenty of big laughs.
I could probably do a similar series of taste tests with odd imported (alleged) food items from the nearby internationally focused market, some of which have no English on them whatsoever or any indicator to the illiterate of what the product is made of. However, I don't have a willing group of children old enough to understand what they're getting into but too young to know they shouldn't do so. My loss.
I love your kids' expressions! I'm fascinated by your life in Turkey and so glad I found your blog with all the photos and everything. My family is preparing for ex-pat life in Indonesia. I've heard they make a canned, fermented beverage out of crickets. Would Jacob try that in a taste test? Maybe I'm making that up.
Oh ho! How funny! Glad your kids have nine lives :)
And you just gotta love some of the great stuff you can find in Elsewhere-Not-Boring-America.
Actually, I guess you can probably find equally appalling stuff here, come to think of it...
This was a great post! I love all the pictures, commentary and reactions of the kids. I was laughing out loud the whole time!
Ok, this is so funny.
We do the same with our kids. Always trying to get them to taste new foods and drinks. Now, I will have to remember to take pictures.
I enjoy how you force your kids to eat/drink stuff that is potentially disgusting, all for our amusement. You're a perfect candidate for the HeyJoe School of Parenting. Actually, maybe you can be one of the teachers.
Those pictures are hilarious! I'm sure I've seen those expressions on my own kids, but it probably involved broccoli.
johnson - i bet. i'm sure there are crazy things in america too! you just have to know where to find them!
mamadallama - thanks! i enjoyed it immensely!
gina - yeah, when i was in the states i accidently bought a cherry chocolate dr. pepper thinking it was a cherry vanilla dr. pepper. i think i rivaled will in the face making!
literaldan - that was hilarious! and potted meat. i'm not sure i could convince my kids to eat that! just wait. your kids will soon be old enough to participate in your dastardly deeds!
arizona albino - love the name! welcome to the blog! and no...jacob would not try that unless i didn't tell him what it was first. i think he would draw the line at bugs.
~m - yes, i was quite amused at the whole situation. i'm sure there are some international food markets that would have some interesting fare! the problem there would be the price. weird foreign food would probably be pretty pricey and not worth the money for a measly blog post!
jennDZ - thanks! i cracked myself up with this one. that's always fun! and can i just say YUM about your blog! that shrimp makes my mouth water!
rhonda - camera is my friend. and the kids are usually pretty good sports about it. made me giggle!
heyjoe - i would love to teach in the heyjoe school of parenting. what's the pay like? i might need the money one day soon!
jennifer h - thanks! i think the kids all like broccoli enough to at least stomach it. well, as long as it is covered with cheese!
Ahhhh.... Where is the video?? Where is the video of you trying these wonderful flavors?
Where is the revenge... I mean shared adventure?
Natalie - the pay sucks, but plenty of perks. ;)
OK, by perks I mean learning to fart with your hands, increasing the volume of your swallowing, thereby increasing the annoyance factor; dancing like an idiot. All good stuff.
LOL...that is so great! I need to move away just to do this!
I can't wait for the next taste test.
The expressions on the kids faces are pricelss. Children's real reacions to things can be both wonderful and disastrous, depending on the situation!
This is probably painfully obvious, but I totally thought that can said "Crappy"---I was all, Man, they sure get to the point in Turkey. Straight shooters over there.
I love the 2nd to the last picture of Jacob---it looks like he's lost the power to live :)
charlie girl - you know i would never let them take a picture of me tasting the nasty food. i wouldn't stand for it!
heyjoe - yeah i figured as much. but i'm good with the perks though! i'll start working on that swallowing thing now.
HO - it is quite fun. there was an earlier taste test having to do with chips. after the fun of that i had to do this one. it may have to be a regular feature!
citizen of the world - they are funny! i just wished they hadn't moved so much so the pictures would have been a little clearer. and they knew the camera was pointed at them so i'm sure they exaggerated some. well...i took a tiny sip of that juice drink. they weren't exaggerating. it was nasty!
over-thinker - well it is crappy so that would be a better name for this flavor. but cappy also has other more normal flavors of juices as well. the orange-pineapple and the cherry juice are my favorites.
and jacob...i'm just glad he didn't throw up. that wouldn't have been pretty at all!
I loved this! Your kids are great sports.
We saw soem kids drinking a VitaMalz one day so we thought that we would try it. If kids were drinking it, it couldn't be that bad?!? Blech! It was a malted beverage (non-alcoholic), but it tasted like stale, weak, smelly beer. O.K.-not even as good as beer. We did try a MezzoMix-which is an orange-cola variation. I actually thought it was pretty good.
You just never know what you'll get when you experiment.
Thanks for sharing!
andrea - i am so glad to know there will be fun things to force my kids to taste in america! we'll be there for an extended time starting in november, and i would hate to not be able to do food reviews!
I always knew Erica was smart! Not being there for any taste tests:)
cheri - i don't think she even knew there was a taste test. i should show her the pictures so she can appreciate missing it even more!
Hi Natalie,
You can try MezzoMix and VitaMalz in Germany. It's just a hop-skip-jump, from you... well, sort of.
I do like the new Cokes-with multi-vitamins, I think they are called. I don't believe the nutrition part-I just like the citrus and green tea flavor.
I haven't been to Turkey-just Crete. Similar maybe?
andrea - i have never been to crete or greece or cyprus, but i've heard there are some similarities in all those places. they might have those drinks here. i'll have to look!
Featured on Good Mom/Bad Mom on the Houston Chronicle.
this has nothing to do with this hilarious post, but i went to high school with a girl that looks EXACTLY like your Erica, and her name was Annagrace.
*insert twilight zone music*
jenny - thanks!
biddy - wow...that is strange. thanks for the visit!
I am giggling away here.. I can see why that was one of your favourites.. cheers kim
Really great post! So funny.
That second one - the juice - EW! Brave kids you have there. :>
Fuh-nee! I love it that your kids are the guinea pigs! ;-)
Very funny post. Love the expressions on the kids' faces. Found you through our linkies on June Cleaver. Glad to find your blog.
OMG! I love it. That was a really fun post. Thanks soooooo much for linking today.
Your kids are so brave! Love all the pictures of their expressions after trying that stuff.
I guess that second one really is bad if your son who will eat anything didn't like it! HA!
Never in my life did I ever think there was a drink with coconut, hazelnut, chocolate flavored orange apple juice. Who comes up with this stuff. I am glad Will recovered from the trauma of it all. :)
LOLOL my kids think I am cruel when I make them taste things first. I LOVE IT. Hahahhaha. I will remember to take pics next time. Unless it is something we arent' sure is still good, in which case I will not provide the state with any evidence. ;)
All I could think originally was "That looks like a blueberry on the bottle, that can't be too bad..." But after those faces, I'm not so sure!
Cute kids! My oldest will eat anything that hubs dares him to. Pickled quail eggs, pickled pigs feets, aything hot or spicy. They're nuts...
Hmmm, maybe I should take pics next time!!
frogpondsrock - thanks. it was fun!
reluctant housewife - thanks. yeah...the juice was gross for sure!
colleen - unfortunately my kids have grown weary of the taste tests. they have come to realize that i pick thing that aren't so great! ah well...
debbie - thanks. i loved their expressions as well. i loved that they were so true to what they thought!
texasholly - you are welcome. thanks for the opportunity!
elaine a. - i know. i don't know if i can get them to do another taste test. i might have to try it sometime soon!
valarie - i know. who would even think of it? it was disgusting. they have a cherry vanilla coconut one that is better, but still not very good.
dddiva - i know! i have had to bribe them with something yummy to even get them to do taste tests. i don't know if that would work anymore though!
eternal sunshine - the purple one wasn't horrible...just really sweet. no distinct berry flavor. and you totally should take pictures. it is a blast capturing their faces!
That was hilarious! I am all about "torturing" my kids for a good laugh. We used to do that on road trips with a mixture of all drinks from the fountain. But then again we are weird!
jill - that sounds fun to me! the only problem is that my kids like to mix the drinks up themselves. i think they actually like it. we have to go really weird to get them worked up!
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