
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Chicken poop on a plate

I am in somewhat of a state of shock. So much so that I typed "shick", "sohck", and "sock" before I actually found a way to force my fingers to type "shock". I commented on a random blog I found about 12 hours ago. I didn't know this person, but she has a highly entertaining blog with some amazing pictures thrown in. She also has quite a few blog fans. I am now one of them! I was comment number 90 and now...12 hours later she has 347 comments on that same post. Seriously! Anyway...in the comment form there was a place to put down my blog address. In the last 12 hours I have had over 20 people look at my blog because of this. Random people. People in places where I don't know anyone. Now I have no idea who those people are or anything about them...just that someone from Meridian, MS and Portland, OR, and Midland, MI, etc. looked at my blog. And I love the idea of random people reading my blog. Love it! I am feeling pressure though. Pressure to be witty and clever so they will come back for a second look.

I know the title of this post has nothing to do with the topic. I'm telling you...the pressure is getting to me! I couldn't come up with anything else.


Amy said...


Natalie said...

oh my gosh! amy, that cracked me up!

Anonymous said...

What is the blog you visited?? I figure if it gets that many comments it's bound to be a good one.

Natalie said...

here's the link...


so funny. the "from black heels to tractor wheels" tells how she met her husband. it's really good. and her stories about her "retarded brother, mike" have made me laugh until i've almost wet myself!