
Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Brian, he's so bad!

And in red we have...

Brian, after being escorted out of the football game he was coaching. He was given a warning for sarcasm, then kicked out for the use of foul language.

Note: Brian doesn't use foul language. Ever. In English or Turkish. He does, however, speak sarcasm fluently.


Anonymous said...

OK... I don't just let ANYONE use this... but Brian may on occasion, tell people to... "Lump it!"

While not an official "curse" it will relieve frustration and can be used in many forms...

"Lump it!"

Will said...

Wow, booted for sarcasm. That IS badass...I'm not being sarcastic either.

maris said...

That made me laugh. Yet, I am not surprised a bit. I think, Brian, and others like me, replaces sarcasm with swearing. We've got to get it out;) Go Brian!

Amy said...

Well, I for one would like to know what foul language he used to get kicked out. He is such a rebel!

Anonymous said...

With a cap says "Dixon". Ha ha..
Oh my! Red coat too, now he will be expelled from Turkey. I am not surprised either. Yes, GO BRIAN!

Sharon said...

Okay, I have to say that I am SHOCKED that Brian would get kicked out of a game for being sarcastic----NOT!

Gina said...

I bet he said "GEESH", didn't he??? (is that perhaps a curse word in Turkish???)

Momo Fali said...

Kicked out for sarcasm?! I would be banned at the entrance.

Natalie said...

charlie girl - lump it would work. he's so pure though...i wonder if he would say it!

will - well he was sarcastic, but he wasn't actually being sarcastic when he was kicked out. he was just standing there...cheering. he said "woo hoo". he's so bad!

derya- he says the refs were picking on him and the team. he was an innocent victim. i'm not sure if i believe him or not.

scmom - unfortunately he didn't say anything bad. which i guess is actually fortunate because it made for a funny story!

anon/nese - i know. now they all know his name!

sharon - i know. brian being sarcastic...never!

gina - geesh would have been good. and probably gotten him kicked out!

momo fali - are you sarcastic? really? i had no idea!

LiteralDan said...

Wow, I didn't know society had official punishments for sarcasm. This opens up a whole new world of potential dangers for me.

There are many times when I can't even convince people I'm NOT being sarcastic. I mean, think about it: "No, I'm not being sarcastic. I'm not. I'm REALLY, really not being sarcastic. At all. Really."

It could go on forever, and the end result is I would apparently be deported from Turkey right at the airport, along with Momo Fali.

Natalie said...

literaldan - yeah brian also has that problem. he rarely says something serious at first so nobody believes him ever. don't get me started on the sarcasm! and sarcasm doesn't usually translate well. i'm proud that it did this time!

Pro Ecclesia said...

"Brian doesn't use foul language. Ever. In English or Turkish."

Excuse me, NEVER?

"He does, however, speak sarcasm fluently."

Brian sarcastic? No. Not Brian.

Natalie said...

jay - never. i can stand by that word. he's a saint, what can i say?

a sarcastic saint if there is such a thing!

Heather said...

and his ability to speak fluid sarcasm is why i am certain Brian and i would be the best of friends.

Natalie said...

wishful - i have no doubts that you and brian would get along great. really. when we come to richmond, which will be happening sometime in the next year, we have to do dinner! have to!