
Monday, September 24, 2007

My blog

From an adoring fan...

"I love your blogs! The Swindoll one was just a kick, and the smells you talked about was poetry. You should write a book or your memoirs when you get home. Seriously, it would be a great read, and some people still like paper in their hands."

Actually it was from my mother-in-law who is an adoring fan of my blog.

I used to scrapbook, but that was before Turkey. I tried scrapbooking for the first two years I was here and realized I didn't enjoy it as much as before. Maybe because there were no friends to do it with and because it was only pictures and I needed more space to write! I had more to say about what was happening! (I know...I could have written more in my scrapbooks, but I didn't want to...they were more like photo albums with captions than a scrapbook.) Then in February of last year I started blogging. It was like a combination of scrapbooking and journaling on my computer! I loved it. I would love to have my blog in book form just for the memories and to show unsuspecting grandkids how cool their grandparents were back in the day! I wonder if there is any way to have it printed and bound.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trying to post, can't remember my password. Having serious blogger issues. YES-- print it out!!!

--Amy W.