Here is a picture of my pantry. You can't see them, but there is a package of Reese's peanut butter cups in there. t knows me well! There was also a 72 roll package of toilet paper and some Tide laundry detergent as well as other cleaning supplies spread throughout the house. Wait...the toilet paper wasn't spread throughout the house. It was in my bathroom all nice and neat and still in it's package. Thank goodness they didn't spread that throughout the house. Coming home to a house wrapped in toilet paper wouldn't have been so sweet and welcoming!
AG posing with the large box of saltines we found in our pantry. We love these and have missed them so. The enormity of this box made us laugh!
We spent a few days registering the kids for school, getting a few things we needed from various stores, and having Thanksgiving with my family.
Then it was Black Friday. Despite the fact that I needed several things I had no desire to participate in the shopping frenzy that is Black Friday. We were going out to my parents' for burgers in the afternoon so we thought we would swing by the at&t wireless store on the way. I had been using my mom's phone since we don't have service at our house, and I thought she might appreciate getting it back. I walked into the at&t wireless store as a nice gentleman was walking out. He informed me that I wasn't too late...they still had iphones. I wasn't interested in an iphone, but I appreciated his concern for my cell phone needs.
I ended up buying two of for me and one for Brian.
And I got all of this for free with my phone purchase. Um...hello. Buy a phone and get another phone, a bluetooth, a carrying case, and a car charger for free? Wow! Now Erica and Will have phones too. We had planned on getting Erica a phone since she is in high school, but Will wasn't going to get one yet. He got lucky! We got a family plan with unlimited texting so hopefully the kids won't use up all our minutes!
Then on Saturday my friend, Amy, called and wanted to give me this.
With this inside it. Now I just have to sign up for some sort of cable, and I will be good to go!
I seriously feel so blessed to have had such a good week of transition back to the states. People have been so wonderful to us. Thanks guys!