Kevin and Brian...right after Kevin tried to give him a holy kiss. Brian still looks scared!
Me and Sharon. Now Brian took this picture with my new camera (yes...I got a new camera! Thanks to those wonderful friends who gave me such an awesome gift!) I have no idea if he just moved his hand or used a funny filter on it. All I know is we are fuzzy...very fuzzy.
Some new friends.
And more new friends.
While in Oklahoma we had the opportunity to speak to 60 5th graders at a local elementary school. Our subject? Turkey. We totally know about Turkey! The next day their teachers gave me a package with thank you notes from the kids in it. Last night after we got home I finally looked over those notes. Here are a few of my favorite excerpts...
"I hope you come back with more pictures and information. P.S. I even liked the pictures I saw today. They were interesting."
"I want to go to Turkey. It looks like a fashionable place."
"I especially like the part about eating lots of bread. I have only run across one kind of bread I didn't like too much."
"My favorite part about the lesson is the picture of the first president. He looked so cool with the suit on, but the mustache didn't fit him well."
"Thank you for inspiring us with the use of knowledge. One day we might have a test, and we'll ace it because of you!"
"Mrs. Dixon, you are really pretty."
All in all it was a great trip.
Ah yes, that tropcial hotspot Oklahoma! But still, sounds like a fun trip.
I love the kids' comments. So cute I can hardly stand it!
I'm kind of liking the fuzzy wrinkles!
citizen of the world - it was a fun trip!
mamadallama - they were cute.
sharon - i know me too! my face looks so clear and tan! i have no idea what he did!
Those comments are just priceless. They made me grin from ear to ear...I bet the last one was a good boost for the Natalie ego, too, wasn't it? :D
~m - they were great! and the last one made me giggle more than anything. right smack in the middle of the letter it said that. kids...ha!
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